Fiber Glass Freaks specializes in replica Batmobiles. In fact specializing ONLY in modified 1955 Lincoln Futura replicas is all they do. So they put all they've got into these cars.

These guys do amazing work and have really taken the time to make these cars as detailed as possible. Their replicas have all features you remember from the show including the double bubble windshields, the long fins, a working flame thrower out the rocket tube exhaust tube, the flashing red beacon light, and the highly polished aluminum roll top dashboard.
Check out the video below to see these cars in action. I love the version of the Batman theme used for this video with Shadoe Stevens providing the lyrics.
Don't these card look great? How would you like to be seen driving one of these baby's down the road? Here's a look at the amazing detail.
I don't know how I am going to do it, but I definitely need to get one of these made for me.
For more Batman Stuff check us out.
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