
Thursday, July 22, 2010

Joseph Gordon-Levitt May be the Riddler in Batman 3

Joseph Gordon-Levitt, who stars in Christopher Nolan's latest movie Inception, is rumored as "interested" in playing the next Batman villain, The Riddler.

A studio casting grid that is used in the movie industry so production companies, agencies and others can keep track of  projects and what roles may be available. The Riddler is definitely listed as a villain for the Dark Knight sequel. This grid as also reveals that Joseph Gordon-Levitt is down as interested in part. You can read more at Blastr.

What do you think of The Riddler being the next Batman villain?

About the author: John Sholtz is an avid toy collector and the interim editor of the Batcave Toy Room due to the abrupt death of Bruce Wayne. Learn more about him here and connect with him on Twitter at, Facebook, Google+ and LinkedIn.


  1. or Jackson Rathbone

    If you have seen his expressions and fact he is pretty frantic in terms of energy.
