
Monday, September 19, 2011

Supporting a Great Event: The Steampunk Cause-Play Couture 2011

Last Saturday I attended the super cool Cosplay for a Cause, which showcased the work of 11 designers, three body painters, seven makeup artists and hair stylists and 20 models. The show was spearheaded and co-created by fellow cosplayer and leader of my local chapter of the Justice League of Las Vegas, Brieanna Brock.

The charity event benefited The Center Las Vegas & Spread the Word Nevada  and the theme of the event was Steampunk versions of comic book characters. Steampunk involves a setting where steam power is still widely used. Usually, Victorian era Britain, that incorporates elements of either science fiction or fantasy. Brieanna and her gang intend to make this an annual event. I can't wait until next year. Below you can see some of my favorite costumes from the 1st annual event.

Ashley Sophia as the Huntress

Nickole Muse as Harley Quinn

Jettie Monday as Zatanna

You can also watch the video of the show below.

I think it is so awesome that fellow comic book lovers are not only able to show case their creative costuming skills, but can turn around and truly do good in the world by donating their time and giving back to their communities. True Super Heroes in ever sense. Way to go ladies!

(Via Examiner)


  1. This looked to be a fun event and a lot of creativity was used and money was made to help others which is a fantastic deal.

  2. It was great. My first Batman cowl will be done this week (I'll post pics as soon as I have it), but soon as my costume is complete, I will start getting more involved with events like this.
