
Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Bless My Dust Pan...The Batcave Toy Room is Naked

Well gang I am officially a Daddy again. Not that I stopped being a Daddy, but now I am a Daddy of two fantastic little girls. My fellow toy blogger Eric, AKA BubbaShelby of Toyriffic, reminded me not too long ago to get as much sleep as I can and boy he wasn't kidding. Actually, it's really not that bad. My youngest is only getting up once a night for a bottle. So, it's a piece of cake.

In preparation for the new arrival, we did a lot of re-organizing and cleaning up at our home and doing the same for The Batcave Toy Room has been no different. I never seem to be satisfied with my room full of toys and always find myself frustrated with the layout. So, I decided to start at square one during my clean up and I think I finally have it the way I want it.

Readers always ask to see more of the toy room itself, but I never reveal much of it. Mainly because it constantly evolving, but I kind of like keeping it shrouded in mystery much like the Dark Knight's Batcave itself. However, my schedule is beginning to get back to normal and I have been attempting to put a post up now and then and check out what my fellow bloggers are up to lately. I hope to back up to speed by the end of the month with pics of the Batcave Toy Room, a darn video post already, and other fun stuff. See you again soon.


  1. John congrats on the arrive of your new little girl. : )

  2. Congrats again on the new little one!

  3. Jboy and BubbaShelby - Thanks fella's. Life is great, isn't it.

  4. Congratulations! Having a child is really challenging at first, and more challenges will come again as they grow older. Congrats and goodluck! I hope they grow up well!


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