
Tuesday, September 4, 2012

The Winner For The Battle For Gotham City Is...

We have a winner of the Target Exclusive Dark Knight Rises Battle For Gotham action figure set, but more on that in moment. This set was only available at Target and also was the only way to own an Anne Hathaway 3 3/4 inch version of Catwoman.

I thought for sure this figure of Catwoman would come in a single carded version of the character, but as usual, Eric from Toyriffic was right and this seems to be the only way to get this figure. Wish I had a fancy contestant selector like Horde Leader, Reis O'Brien from Lair of the Dork Horde, but it's drawing names out of hat for me. So, congatulations to Kal from Calvin's Canadian Cave of Cool for winning this fantastic set.

If you haven't been over to Calvin's Canadian Cave of Cool, you need to get over there. Kal has a toy cave that rivals The Batcave Toy Room and is super sweet. Kal, be sure to send me your info so I can get the action figure set over to you.

In the meanwhile, I am working on this months contest and would like to hear what you think the contest should be about. I am thinking it will be something Twitter related as I am building that part of my social network. Those of you who don't have a Twitter account might want to start one. I am also thinking about giving away a gift package this month, but let me hear from. What do you think would be fun and what kind of prizes do you like? Shirts, toys, gift cards? Toy collectors assemble!

About the author: John Sholtz is an avid toy collector and the interim editor of the Batcave Toy Room due to the abrupt death of Bruce Wayne. Learn more about him here and connect with him on Twitter at, Facebook, Google+ and Linkedin.


  1. Big congrats to the Cave of Cool!

  2. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA I am happy to take that baby off your hands and place it into the collection of cool. I have that huge Wayne Manor playset that converts into the Tumbler and these would look perfect with that. I never win any of these contests. Email me at and I will give you my address.

  3. Congrats Kal!

    Always being right is a heavy burden, but one I am willing and able to carry.

    1. With great power comes great responsibility Eric.

  4. There is a first time for everything Kal. Sweet! Hopefully will get to see that in a post at the Cave of Cool.
