
Monday, July 1, 2013

State Of The Site: Vacation Time Again

Carrie Kelly Robin and Aquawoman from the Amazing Las Vegas Comic-Con Photo: Batcave Toy Room
I didn't come close to doing the level of posts I had intended for the month of June. Once again I found myself busy as all get out and many times this month I found myself not able to sleep with so much on mind. Things have slowed down a bit and I am finally able to come up for air and finally getting some sleep again. However, I did have a fabulous Father's Day weekend at the Amazing Las Vegas Comic-Con. More to come on that event.

31 Days to a Better Toy Collection

I must say the month of May was impressive for me as I just about did a post a day about the organizing of the Toy Room. I still have a couple of posts to finish out the series as I put the finishing touches into place in the Batcave.

Now that I'm organized I have room to work and add or take away as I please. I'll be wrapping up those posts soon and probably give a tour of the Batcave Toy Room in a video format.

Vacation Time Again

I'll be getting away again for a bit and will be taking a family vacation for a second time this year. I am looking forward to this as I am on the verge of being burnt out and my allergies have been kicking my butt, which has also been dragging me down.

I expect my batteries to be recharged next week and I can get back to regular posts.

In the meantime, feel free to drop me line.  I will still be answering emails and will be getting caught up on my toy blog reading and commenting, which is way behind. See you all soon.

About the author: John Sholtz is an avid toy collector and the interim editor of the Batcave Toy Room due to the abrupt death of Bruce Wayne. Learn more about him here and connect with him on Twitter at, Facebook, Google+ and LinkedIn.


  1. I would blog more but not having a camera REALLY has set me back. Whenever I acquire something I gotta wait for my artist to take a good pic of it. Have a fun vacation!

    1. I camera is must. Hope you can get one soon. Thanks, vacation was great.

  2. Enjoy your vacation John and am looking forward to seeing how your adventures at the Comic Con went. : )
