
Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Even After 75 Years Superman Is Still Superman

I love this Zack Snyder animated short for the 75th Anniversary of Superman.

This sweet short starts with the Man of Steel's beginnings in Action Comic #1 and reveals his is ever evolving abilities of being faster than speeding bullet and going from leaping tall buildings in a single bound to his ability to fly.

The film also accounts for the different actors and musical scores that have defined him in media, but also shares moments in time with Andy Warhol and the iconic Mohammed Ali vs. Superman giant comic book. One of my favorite moments was the glimpse of the Atari 2600 game that I had played for countless hours in my youth.

Let this short be a reminder that you should always be yourself first, but continue to strive to progress and expand or evolve on the mold that is already there.

About the author: John Sholtz is an avid toy collector and the interim editor of the Batcave Toy Room due to the abrupt death of Bruce Wayne. Learn more about him here and connect with him on Twitter at, Facebook, Google+ and LinkedIn.


  1. Am not a huge Super Man fan but that animation piece was just great.

    1. Me too John Boy. I hoping to see one done for Batman's 75th next year.
